Kutipan kata bijak dari Mahabharata

Source of English Quote: Harindranath

Translated by Rachel Hutami

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Variations in Indonesian Mahabharata

Variations in Indonesian Mahabharata

by Indrajit Bandyopadhyay

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Mahabharata: The Myth of the Death of Bhisma, Drona, Karna, Duryodhana

by Indrajit Bandyopadhyay –

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Shocking secrets of the Pandavas and Draupadi from Mahabharat

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Dwaraka (Dwarawati), Kota Sang Krishna yang Tenggelam

Peristiwa masa lalu adalah SEJARAH. Lama kelamaan sejarah ini bercampur dengan bumbu-bumbu tambahan yang bukan kejadian sebenarnya jadilah dia LEGENDA. Lama kelamaan legenda ini bercampur dengan tambahan-tambahan lagi dan didewa-dewakan, jadilah dia MITOS atau mythologi. Jadi hampir semua mitos dan legenda ada benang merahnya dengan sejarah. meskipung benang itu sangat tipis.

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Soma: Scandalous Sex Life of the Founding Father

by Satya Chaitanya

Vyasabharata 3

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Shakuntala: Flaming Indian Womanhood

by Satya Chaitanya

Vyasabharata 2 Read the rest of this entry

A King’s Lust and the Birth of Vyasa’s Mother

by Satya Chaitanya

Vyasabharata -1 Read the rest of this entry

The Tragic Trio: Madri

by Prof. Debalina Roychowdhury

After discussing Amba as one of the Tragic Trio, I intended to take up Gandhari as the second one. But I apologies to fail because another character attracted me toward her and that is Madri. She, like a bright shooting star shined and extinguished at a very young age. Read the rest of this entry

The Tragic Trio: Amba

by Prof. Debalina Roychowdhury

Mahabharata, the greatest epic can be considered as a heritage of India. It imbibes the saga of human struggle, conflict of ethics and many more. As it popularly goes that, ‘anything that is not in Mahabharata does not exist anywhere in the world’. True it is, that we can find the vivid range of human culture and conflict. Read the rest of this entry

The Bheel Mahabharata and Tale of Draupadi and Sex with Visuka the Snake King

The Bheel Mahabharata recounts that Draupadi was a woman of exceptional beauty with golden hair and milk white complexion. The news of her beauty reached Visuka the snake god, who ruled over the Patal or the nether world. Visuka was enamoured of Draupadi and he mounted his horse and set forth towards Hastinpura where the Pandva’s resided, with a one point agenda to possess the beautiful Draupadi. Read the rest of this entry